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Pre-order (No upfront cost)
Rapido OO Gauge 926005 USATC S160 2-8-0, ‘700’, Major General Carl R Gray Jr, Longmoor Military Railway Blue (Pre-Order)
Our reference:926005
Specific Locomotive History
In 1946 the Longmoor Military Railway arranged an exchange of equipment with their counterparts at Fort Eustis in America. In return for an Austerity and WD 2-8-0 Fort Eustis sent an S160 2-8-0 and S100 0-6-0 (their comparable counterparts) to Longmoor.
The S160 was named Major General Carl R Gray Jr after the Army Director of Railway Services for North Africa, Italy and Northwest Europe. The engine originally carried the number 93257 after arrival at Longmoor. The loco was subsequently sent to Bagnalls in Staffordshire for overhaul in 1954. Upon return in 1955, the engine was painted in lined blue LMR livery and carried the number 700. Unfortunately, it was subsequently involved in an incident leaving flats on all driving wheels and with spares unavailable, the engine was cut up at Longmoor in 1957.
History, Info & Updates
We've made a handy blog post for this project which will give you a little bite-size history, info & continuous updates on the project. To view the USATC S160 2-8-0 page, hover over 'Rapido USATC' on the top menu bar and click 'Find out more'.
DCC Ready: £269.95
DCC Sound: £379.95
Release Date: In tooling, samples due in Autumn
Manufacturer: ALCO - Schenectady - 1944
Shed Allocation and Region:Longmoor Military Railway
Date of Model:1955
Livery: LMR Blue w/Red Lining
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